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Пропонуємо Вам прочитати оригінальні неадаптовані твори англійською мовою, такі як

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

It was Friday night. Mr and Mrs Darling were dining out. Nana had been tied up in the backyard. The poor dog was barking, for she could smell danger. And she was right - this was the night that Peter Pan would take the Darling children on the most breath-taking adventure of their lives, to a place called Neverland, a strange country where the lost boys live and never grow up, a land with mermaids, fairies and pirates - and of course the terrible, evil, Captain Hook. Peter Pan is undoubtedly one of the most famous and best-loved stories for children, an unforgettable, magical fantasy which has been enjoyed by generations.


The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde (1854—1900) was an Irish writer, playwright, poet, essayist, an outstanding representative of European decadence. The Picture of Dorian Gray is the only published Oscar Wilde’s novel. The publication of this literary masterpiece caused grand scandal evoking contradictory responses from his contemporaries. But at the same time, it made the author famous and provided him the place in the pantheon of the best-known writers of the world. Combining the features of the gothic novel, the comedy of manners, and the treatise on interrelation between art and morality, The Picture of Dorian Gray still remains an enigma for the readers and, because of it, is as relevant today as it was many years ago.
An Ideal Husband. The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful politician and an honest man. He is an ideal husband for the beautiful and serious Lady Chiltern. But somebody knows a dangerous secret about Sir Robert. Can Sir Robert's charming Society friends save his job and his marriage?


Under the Greenwood Tree or the Mellstock Quire: A Rural Painting of the Dutch School by Thomas Hardy

“Under the Greenwood Tree” — an enchanting, lyrical and bright novel by Thomas Hardy (1840—1928). It is an idealized pastoral written with light humour and sincere love for its heroes. The book may seem an idyll in prose, still, it is only at first sight. Side by side with tender and romantic love of Dick and Fancy there arises dramatic lot of life of the village church choir, which gives up its place to the organ the way old England falls into oblivion in front of the active offensive of modernization. And Thomas Hardy sorrowfully notes that this new world is devoid of that enchantment and romance which blossomed out “under the greenwood tree”.


Washington Square by Henry James

Henry James (1843—1916) in his novel “Washington Square” proposes us the plot which is traditional for the Victorian novel: an unattractive, but with comfortable circumstances, girl falls in love with a likeable and gregarious young man, but the girl’s hard father feels the youth’s insincerity and aims at any cost to avert the undesirable marriage. Still, this is only the story line of the novel through which profound psycological insight and wide imagery are being shown. Each hero plays his own game with life and nobody knows who will win and who will lose it.


Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

“Heart of Darkness” is one of the most recognized and profound works by the outstanding English writer, Polish emigrant born in Ukraine, Joseph Conrad (1857—1924). From the pages of the novel, before the reader’s eyes there arrives the sailor’s, steamboat captain’s narration about the journey to the banks of the Congo, full of reticences and, at times, even innuendoes. It is essential that the nature of Africa appears in the novel as an individual character. The meeting with this world, the possibility of glancing at it from the point of view of the colonists and the colonised enables the main character to assess in quite a new way the darkness which peeps out from the dense jungle and to see it in the souls of the white people who claim themselves the bearers of civilization and culture.


The Roads We Take and Other Stories by O. Henry

William Sydney Porter (1862—1910), known by his pen name O. Henry, was an outstanding American writer, world-famous master of a short story genre. By his humor and humanism, he turns the humdrum of the humble folk’s life into edifying fairy-tales about eternal values, and it’s of no consequence where the scene is laid: though it were in the Wild West or in the concrete gutter of New York. The present collection includes the most vivid, more than once screened O. Henry’s works from his extremely rich and varied creative heritage.


Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome

Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer of note, humorist and playwright. In his best literary masterpiece — the comic travelogue Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) — there is neither biting satire nor harsh mockery, but, instead, with brilliant and favourable humour, the author shows the comicality of customary life-like situations. Instead of a serious guidebook to the Thames, the author presented the readers with the splendid and unforgettable portrait of Victorian England. Jerome’s heroes are very racy and nice, and the jokes — funny and witty, that is why the book is still extremely popular in the world.

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